Monday, July 25, 2005

Another blog to check

To whom it may concern:

We have started a new blog for the US portion of the summer. The blog is (It's also on the links on the side of this page). Go ahead, check it out and learn how to pray for those on the road. Have a great day!

Saturday, July 02, 2005


Let me paint a picture for you: We wake up and let's say it's, oh... 800 degrees Celcius. Breakfast begins with Sara and Kayla waking up a little bit late for breakfast. The kids arrived an hour early, as we were finishing our ´porridge and red berries. oh, and piim. As we split up for our sports sessions, the 10 minute walk to our respective venues was heard with sounds of laughter and bouncing balls. some birds chirping too. the games lasted for about, oh, 2 minutes. when all of sudden those wierd "Thursday" occurences... FLASH BOOM BOOM BOOM... downpouring rain filled our eyes with ... um... water. As we ran back fiercely amidst the wind and rain for the .47 kilometers to the mission house, our clothes quickly became sopping wet with pure Estonian rainwater.
Once all the kids were safely indoors, the sun came out. seriously...
Then we decided to give the Bible story as well as the Evangecube, of which we have all mastered the intricacies of the flippage.
God was at work in the lives of these kids this past week as 11 of them from our first camp timidly raised their hands to accept Jesus as their Savior. We were all truly touched through seeing God's magnificent work in the children's lives. After the camp, many kids hung out with us for a lot longer than usual, and some children even took Evangecubes home with them. It was amazing!
God is faithful!!!!! Our van, which as of yesterday was a semi-useless transportation device, was fixed by Pastor Enn, who happened to be a mechanic. Thus, we arrived safely at our second destination (camp) after traveling for 36.03 minutes in solid rain. (nate timed it). On the way, Sara (without an H) and Crystal practiced their Estonian version of "In the Secret" aka "Tahan Sind Tunda"...
Thankfully, the rain ceased as soon as we pulled up into the "park". Kids soon arrived and we played soccer, basketball, frisbee, volleyball, and continued the "mini boot camp" with Viktor, all the while listening to Estonia's newest Christian boy-band/rap group. A lot of these kids are just random neighborhood kids that come by when they see us. Our expectations were lower for this camp because it is more "freestyle". However, God was still at work and after the Bible story and Evangecube flippage was given, 5 children decided to accept the Lord. It was amazing!!!!
note: we are traveling tomorrow back up to Tallin after our two camps, and we have the next 2 days free to celebrate American independence in Estonia and Finland. We then travel back down to Parnü on Tuesday night for two more 5 day camps. Pray that our exhaust pipe stays in it natural habitat and does not meet the road.
Please also pray that there would be successful follow up for the children who did accept Christ today. AMEN!
btw, Sara did drink a litre and a half of milk within the period of 22 minutes. pretty cool huh?
btw2, we were called to "paint walls." wait, we got to move wood. for one hour and 3 minutes. we worked on team building by throwing and dropping wood while singing songs in an assembly line while having a competition (thank you Henry Ford for the idea.) it was quite fun.
To our fellow Uncharted Waterians, we are thinking about you and praying for you. may God continue to use you in your words and actions to speak His truth and love. BE TOOLS FOR CHRIST.

The Estoniano's

Saturday, June 25, 2005

We're on the way. . . .

Can you believe it? It is time to hit the road, or in this case, hit the airplane. I head to Thailand with the first group. Be ready to have fun, enjoy the culture and food, and to share Jesus. See you soon and have a great trip. Don't forget to update your blog while you're there!


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Team leaders from the US and Estonia

Uncharted Waters is excited about returning to Estonia in 2005. The team will be led by Nathan Robertson and assisted by Tripp Kerth. They will work with many Estonian churches and will partner with Estonian Christians to do sports camps. The main contact people are Kristiina Krabi, Pille Havekats, and Cliff Heeney.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Welcome to the team!

This summer Uncharted Waters will be sending a team of athletes to conduct sports clinics with churches and schools around Estonia. This blog is set up to inform the families, prayer teams, and supporters of the team. Enjoy the posts and talking to each other!